Wow. You really don't see do you? My partner is African American and I am white. When we go out for dinner, guess who they bring the bill to ... that's right, me. After all, white people have money. Do you have any idea how demeaning that feels to my partner?
I know, I know ... that's a small thing, just as asking the kids where they got the ball is a small thing. A good friend of mine, a very successful Black businessman and college football star, told me about approaching his local bus stop, where two elderly white women were sitting. He nodded and said "Good evening." Without a word, the two ladies rose and walked down to the next bus stop. My friend had tears in his eyes when he told me the story. I know--another small thing. A small thing until it happens day after day after day for your entire life.
My question for you: why do you feel the need to rush to defend the status quo? Pointing out that people with darker skin experience life in America very differently, compared to you and I, is not racist. It is simply a fact. So where does your dismissiveness come from? Who and what are you defending?