When I first glanced at the headline of this article, my response was one of irritation. What about those of us who, for a variety of reasons, can’t live together? What of those who live in different states (or even countries) and struggle to be together two or three months out of the year?
But then I read what the author meant by living together, and found my head nodding in agreement:
“I don’t mean that we should physically live together, in a house (though this is optional), I mean that we should actually view our relationship as a medium through which we may live our best lives, and craft it so that it’s something that can foster and nurture the expression of our real selves and the outcomes of our lives in preferable ways on a daily basis. Our partners should be the persons there most to help us in fulfilling our dreams and should be excited to walk with us through the challenges of life and live out those dreams with us.”
I am more skeptical than most about the benefits of modern technology, but thank God for skype, for cell phones, for bank accounts that can be managed on line from anywhere and for electronically shared photo albums. “Living together” when thousands of miles separate you is difficult, but it can be done today. And if you have the right partner, it can be life-sustaining and it can be beautiful.