Thanks for reading and commenting ... and a special "thank you" for following, I have given considerable thought to relationships, but have rarely committed those thoughts to paper--for a couple of reasons. The less important reason is that there are other topics which I currently see as more pressing ... that may change in time,
The more significant reason is that I don't feel that I have much to offer people in this area. I have a primary relationship which is incredibly meaningful to me ... but I was already fifty when this person came into my life--and that was quite by accident. Our relationship defies many of the norms and conventions of contemporary Western culture and I doubt that many (even among my progressive friends) are ready to embrace the template that I have in mind.
Regarding younger men ... to be candid, I have always been cynical about May-December couples. I typically assume that the relationship is a transactional one in which the younger person will be compensated for playing the role of a loving partner for a few years. And while that undoubtedly happens--and who am I to judge it if both parties are satisfied with the bargain that they have struck?--I have gotten to know a number of such couples and the younger person often has a genuine and persistent attraction to individuals substantially older. He may look up to his partner as a valued mentor, or he may want to be spoiled by "daddy," but in any case the attraction appears to be authentic, and I am learning to set my skepticism aside.
Thanks again ... and all the best to you.