Okay, Jewish guy here. Gay guy too. My long-term boyfriend is black from a family active in the church. Jewish humor is forged by our historical experience and may be laced with sarcasm and more than a little ethnic boosterism. I have no doubt that the honorific of “obnoxious” may also apply to me at times. BF gets my sense of humor and is not above dishing it right back. He also shares my values, and many of my interests and hobbies. We once spent an entire month together, never more than fifty feet apart, and not once did I yearn to have a few minutes by myself or tire of his presence.
The “glue” that solidifies a relationship between two people is exceedingly complex, and there are many different recipes. Religion, socioeconomic class and ethnicity are just some of the ingredients that may be stirred in … whether they offer a little spice or make it unpalatable depends on the two people involved and their particular tastes and sensibilities.
I, for one, couldn’t be happier.