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No, Tara Reade, I Don’t Have to Take You Seriously.
On April 9th of this year, a woman named Tara Reade filed a sexual assault charge with the Washington, D.C. police against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. The charge has no legal force because the alleged incident occurred in 1993 when she was a staffer in then Senator Biden’s office, and the time allowed by the statute of limitations to prosecute such a case has long since expired. But coming just as the campaign is gearing up, it could be problematic for the former vice-president. This is an open letter to Tara Reade.
Tara, you have made a very serious allegation against the presumptive Democratic candidate for the presidency. You have provided little evidence to support your accusations, other than a recording of a phone call which you have identified as your mother’s voice. You mother has since passed away and cannot verify that she was the caller. In any event, the call was placed on August 11, 1993 to the Larry King Live show. “I’m wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington,” the caller says. “My daughter has just left there, after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him.”
The caller did not mention sexual assault, nor did she name the senator with whom her daughter had “problems.” However, you also claim that you told a friend as well as your brother about the incident when it occurred, and both have confirmed that they…