My friend, you are young and full of religious enthusiasm—but it appears that enthusiasm is tempered by neither adequate knowledge nor mature experience. The game that you are playing is both old and popular, but it is far from compelling. You select, with no regard for the context in which they are found, a number of “proof texts.” You then construct a simplistic Theory of Everything Meaningful based on those texts and brandish that theory as a weapon, in an effort to drive as many people as possible into your corner.
According to the Hebrew prophet Micah, we have been told what is good and what is required of us—namely, to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God. Nothing there about salvation by faith … no promise of heavenly bliss to bribe us into the desired behavior. Just three simple principles to guide us along the journey of life.
I wish you well, as you mean well. And I wish you continued growth, both as a human being and as a spiritual being.