Matt, I wish you well. I an older gay man, but was also reared in a very conservative religious environment. There is life on the other side, and even a fair amount of satisfaction in coming to accept the fact that we simply donʻt have answers to many of the questions posed by traditional religions. I can have a deep sense of appreciation and awe for that creative agency that is ultimately responsible for setting our evolving universe into motion—whatever the hell it is—but the notion of a god who creates us, fills us with that love that “dare not speak its name,” plays hide and seek with us, and then tortures us for eternity because we surrender to that love … that would be a demon, not a deity. So yes, tell that dehumanizing type of religion, and its smug apostles, to fuck off .., and then go find another young man to love … and to fuck off-ten (sorry, couldnʻt resist the pun). There is something truly liberating when you accept yourself and embrace all the gifts that you have to share as the unique gay man that you are … something truly beautiful.