In our unstable world, written constitutions tend to last about 17 years before being revoked, suspended or superseded. Ours has been in effect for neariy 235 years, with 27 ratified amendments. So yes, it is holding us together in an era far different from the age in which it was written. We do need--although it certainly isn't possible in the current climate--to have a thoughtful discussion about how we address those areas of concern that we have identified.
But where did you get the notion that the special counsel is considering resignation--and that the chances of Trump ever standing trial, on the 91 felony charges that he now faces, are slim? Trump has the money, with the help of a party that is now thoroughly corrupt, to delay and distract--but so far, because of people like Jack Smith, and the 90-odd judges (many appointed by Republicans, some named by Trump himself) who responded to the blizzard of lawsuits that he unleashed, the system has held.
If Jack Smith were to throw in the towel, and drop his case, Trump and his minions would gleefully take a victory lap and respect for the law, bruised and battered but still the foundation on which we all stand, would evaporate. I recognize in Smith's relatively sparse public statements a quiet outrage at those who are determined to subvert our democratic process for their own ends. I recognize it because I share it--as do a hell of a lot of other Americans. We do not need the special counsel to resign as a perverse form of protest--we need to hold the former president, and his enablers, accountable.
And we will.