I wrote ʻI thinkʻ to qualify my assertion, precisely because we humans are fallible and should always remind ourselves that no matter how confident we may be, we can never claim absolute certainty (except, perhaps, when we quote Descartesʻ famous dictum, ʻCogito, ergo sumʻ).
You are correct that I did not offer any evidence for my assertion … it didnʻt seem necessary to waste the readerʻs time arguing what is patently obvious. Had I felt it necessary, I would have cited the ratio of male to female CEOs in Fortune 500 corporations, among general officers in the armed forces, anong members of Congress and the various state and local legislative bodies; in academia, and among the clergy. That would clearly show that males dominate the formal power structure. I would then have pointed out that the informal power structure is also largely comprised of men—men with names like Charles Koch, Jeff Bezos, etc.
Iʻm not entirely sure what your larger point was, but thank you for reading my comments and have a good day.