I was a bit worried about where you might be going with your opening remarks, but by the time you landed I could only say, “Amen!”
The ‘race’ question in America that really matters is not the Neo-Nazi or the would-be Imperial Wizard, trying desperately to relive a war that they have already lost. The danger is the rural or small town American who insists that he or she is not racist, but deplores the “excessive liberalism” or “irresponsible lawlessnes” of city dwellers, and is convinced that Antifa and BLM are aligned with China in their nefarious quest to impose some ill-defined socialist agenda on God-fearing Americans.
Self-avowed racists are still on the fringes of American society (though now willing to step out of the shadows, thanks to Trump’s cynical manipulation of them). The contest is with those who scorn the modern KKK enthusiasts, but who vote precisely the way the talking heads funded by the plutocracy tell them to vote. And their numbers are legion.
Euro-American culture gave birth to the greatest nation on earth, they fervently believe, and anyone, of any race, is welcome to join them if they can only bring themselves to recognize and embrace the the wonder of what Scots-Irish (and other European) immigrants have built on this God-given, highly fertile and largely empty land that only entered history when the Pilgrims arrived.
Yes, it is precisely that culture—lusting for greatness while rejecting science and scorning those who question the dictates of their new messiah—that we need to vigorously challenge. Our planet lies in peril while we make nice with those who revel in their ignorance.