I understand what you are saying and I commend you for being sensitive. But let me suggest another perspective. I am a gay, cisgender man, for those who may want to know. But more importantly, I believe in data and facts, which compels me to ask, why is the fact that trans women use women’s facilities even an issue? And why now?
In 2015, a search was conducted of the FBI’s uniform crime report (UCR), a nationwide compilation of criminal acts, and NOT A SINGLE INSTANCE of a trans woman, or a man dressed as a woman, attacking a cisgender girl or woman in a public restroom could be found. Subsequently, the Police Foundation followed up with their own study of assaults in five major cities that had adopted laws protecting the right of trans women to use women’s facilities—and they, likewise, could not find any such crime.
To sum up: this is a helluva lot of smoke—but no fire. It is a totally trumped up issue (pun fully intended) promoted by rightwing media—especially Fox News. Their goals are obvious: stoke up fear in the Republican base, revive the culture wars which have worked so well for G.O.P. fundraisers, and divide the center and the left.
Sadly, many well-intentioned women have jumped onto the bandwagon, assuming that this is a real concern. It isn’t … just as the lie that gay men were more likely to be pedophiles than cisgender men was never a valid issue. But it set gay rights back for decades and drove many young men to suicide. Please don’t let these cynical, manipulative people alter the way you live your life.