I can empathize ... but to be honest your story also brought back some humorous memories of times when I was similarly cornered. You came across as a doubting Thomas, and in his view, doubts must be dispelled ... otherwise, God forbid, they may have some degree of validity.
I, on the other hand, was happy to "out" myself as a very liberal Jew. This revelation frequently led my interlocutor to become visibly excited (I rather suspect that some evangelicals believe that they will earn extra credit by converting a Jew). In any event, it usually became quickly apparent that my new friend's knowledge of Jewish history and theology was limited to memorizing a few 'proof texts,' with no awareness of the context in which those verses were written--and certainly no appreciation of the fact that the English words chosen by the translator had an entirely different array of connotations than the original Hebrew..
I confess that I was sometimes guilty of enjoying the confusion that my questioner displayed as I walked away--admittedly, not a very Christan thing for me to do ... but then, well ... you know!
L'shalom, Dan ... I know that this is a difficult time for you, but I also wanted to say that I think that your project here is a worthwhile endeavor.