Here in the islands we have a concept called aloha 'aina (love for the land, and for all that dwells herein). You either feel it or, sadly, you don't. Your words, along with those stunning photos, beautifully capture the essence of aloha 'aina. There are people who have lived in Hawai'i for decades, some of whom were born here, and yet they don't appreciate what a treasure this remote archipelago is, with its flora and fauna, its poignant history, and its remarkably diverse people. But there are others, and I suspect that you are among them, who arrive and within a matter of hours have fallen hopelessly in love with these islands and who intuitively recognize their wahi pana (sacred places). As just one of 1.4 million Hawai'i residents, let me thank you for your lovely tribute to our island home.

Donald Armstrong
Donald Armstrong

Written by Donald Armstrong

Moved by a conviction that we humans--gifted with reason--can do so much better than we are; asks how both politics and faith can better serve humanity's needs.

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