Having managed an array of older adult services during my career, I agree with every word that you wrote.
Intellectually at least.
But I am in my seventies now, fortunately in good health and very active. People typically assume that I am in my late 50s or early to mid sixties. And damn, I have to admit that that feels very good … even though internally I am kicking myself for falling into the agist trap.
What it boils down to, for many of us, sre two things. When someone says, “Oh my god, I never would have guessed … you look so much younger!” what I hear is “You are in great shape—years away from the grave” or “Hey guy, you’ve still got it going … and you can still have a rich and enjoyable sex life!”
And let’s face it: who doesn’t want to hear those messages? So I will continue to puff up a bit at the compliments—while feeling a little guilty for doing so!
Great and informative article, by the way!