Good points ... I usually avoid making statements about the needs, desires or experiences of women for the very good reason that I have no direct knowledge and limited education on that topic.
In any event, I totally agree that society has instilled in women a sense of shame or fear if they dare to explore--or actually enjoy--their sexuality. Men have also been subjected to that conditioning, although to a significantly less extent,
The first time that I had a sexual encounter outside of my (theoretically) monogamous relationship, I truly agonized over my decision and expected to be flooded with regret ... but quite the opposite occurred. It was an incredibly liberating experience.
Today, I can't think of any reason why I would try to deny a person that I love the opportunity to experience as much pleasure as possible. Crudely put, life is short--fuck often!
That's a piece of advice that I would offer to anyone, regardless of gender. Thanks for reading, and many thanks for your thoughtful comments.