For what it may be worth, I am not at all convinced the odds are against you. I was almost 50 when I met the man who is sitting accross the table from me as I write. I was just entering another primary relationship and he was already in one. Twenty years later, we live in different states most of the year, but he is with me every winter ... and I have never met anyone with whom I would rather spend my time. Fortunately, he made the first move; my new relationship energy was invested elsewhere (misplaced, as it turned out) and I could have easily passed him by wiithout the proverbial second thought. One of the things that I have learned as I tried to navigate safely and productively through the past seven decades is that life is full of surprises--the trick is to remain open to them without falling into the trap of finding one's current status deficient. It sounds like you can handle that.