Darren, I agree that some individuals with schizophrenia can use cannabis (as well as other psychoactive drugs) in a way that works for them and helps them function successfully — and I am happy that you are able to do so. I have a friend in a similar situation and he is extremely knowledgeable about both prescription and illicit drugs and has managed his illness quite well for years. As you know, the severity of this illness varies considerably from one person to the next.
There are others, of course, who have less success … and some begin to self-medicate, quickky decompensate and become severely ill. Not knowing who might do well — and who would not — I have generally erred on the side of caution and urged people with schizophrenia to avoid all illicit drugs until they are well past their mid-twenties — and then limit use to cannabis. Of course, we all ultimately decide for ourselves what we are going to do.
Thanks for your response and I wish you the best.